Friday, September 25, 2015

Life hack: Colonoscopy

So, I had a lot of time to think during my colonoscopy prep. Mostly about how much I wished I could fast forward time 24 hours and how I hated my body for putting me through this. I guess one of my purposes for writing this blog is to help people who may be going through similar trials and I definitely have some experience with colonoscopies!. So... here is my list of
10 ways to survive colonoscopy preparation:

1. Plan ahead - make sure to buy some chicken stock (or chicken noodle soup & drain), light coloured jelly (I prefer pineapple) and some yummy fruit juices (clear) & powerade (to trick yourself into thinking you are treating yourself).
2. Do not plan ANYTHING after 2pm the day before (or whenever you are directed to start the prep). You will not be available.
3. Don't go to the gym you crazy person (me). Using any excess energy when you can't replenish is foolish.
4. Environment - create a space where you are comfortable, entertained and close to a toilet. I holed up in the bathroom with cushions and blankets, close to the toilet. I had some calming music & just rested between toilet runs.
5. Entertainment - In my 'bathroom cubby' I had a novel, crossword, my ipad for movies, phone and tried to keep busy to take my mind off the situation.
6. Space the time out - if you have 15 minutes to drink the Picoprep, take a tiny sip, followed by a sweet drink or mouthful of jelly. Then go again. If you think you will just skull it and get it over with, chances are you will end up throwing it up and then you're screwed. Also, when you have an hour for Gycoprep use the whole hour with little sips.
7. On the topic of throwing up, use ginger tea, or burn a ginger candle. I had a cup of Pukka 'lemon, ginger and manuka honey' tea, and breathed in the steam to calm my stomach.
8. Use wet-ones or super-soft mosturising toilet paper. This was not something I thought of ahead of time. Let's just say, I regretted it.
9. Make yourself wake up two hours before the procedure to have a drink and even some tea/broth/jelly. It can be a long wait between the night before and waking up after the procedure and you never realise how much you want a drink of water until you can't.
10. Take the day off to rest. If you are like me, you may sleep very little the night before, as well as all the energy your body has been sapped of through the clear out. Also be careful not to break the fast with anything too heavy, as tempting as a feed of fast-food might be!

And remember, the discomfort is temporary, and the preparation is 100 times worse than the actual procedure.

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