Friday, July 17, 2015

So much to lose, so much to gain

So, my doctor has told me to lose weight - to allow for the best chance going in to IVF. 
I admit, I have put a lot of weight on over the last year or so. I've always been pretty fit - playing team sport & eating relatively healthily. But at the start of the year I got a new job - I have been busy with work & haven't really exercised in six months... I guess time slips away & you get into a bad routine... and suddenly I'm enormous! Well, maybe not enormous - but being told by a health professional to trim down is certainly sobering . Boo. Losing weight is so much effort.
A few weeks ago I joined the gym. It's such a trek starting from scratch with zero fitness - I keep trying to do what I used to be able to & then can't walk up stairs for a week! I guess I need to keep my baby goal as motivation. Wish me luck. Now to cut the cake. No, I mean cut OUT the cake... 😥

1 comment:

  1. Ugh losing weight is no fun. Wishing you the best of luck though!!! Just keep the positive baby thoughts in your mind and know that's what it's all for :)
