Saturday, July 4, 2015

Timing & the two week wait

For those who aren't in this boat, timing sex is about as romantic as it sounds. In the past I've used ovulation kits and/or monitored body temp/ cervical mucous (sexy, hey??) leading up to CD 14..ish. Nothing says I love you like a clinical appointment in the bedroom! Honey, I need your sperm! Now!
So once the "abstraction" has taken place - we wait. I swear I have experienced every symptom recognised as a sure sign of a positive result. I can laugh at myself now, but I have (often) googled something along the lines of "runny nose-early pregnancy symptom" - and sure enough - there is a forum with someone asking exactly the same thing & someone somewhere thinking they are doing the poor girl a favour by responding - "Yes! This was my first symptom & I got a positive test the next week! Sounds promising to me!!!" (Baby dust to you, or some similar sign off)
It's unreal when you look from afar - I mean, HUNDREDS of hopeful women every day wanting confirmation from a stranger that their vegemite craving/cold big toe/headache must mean they are pregnant.
I envy those women who, 6 weeks along go - oh, hang on a minute! I haven't had a period for a while! Might check that one out! Month after month I try to wait - and I am testing much less frequently (at least waiting for a late period before peeing on a stick). But that hope still bubbles up there, and I wonder - I think maybe, just maybe, this month will be my miracle.
On that note - let the 2WW begin (can't believe I'm so entrenched in discussing such things that I know the acronyms) - I will continue to ttc and hope for BFP and no AF before poas and driving DH crazy!
Thanks for the read :)

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